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Location: New Riegel, Ohio, United States

I've been living in NC now for two years. Mark and I are still extremely happy together, and we're still thinking of moving to the big O, but are still undecided. Mark and I will be celebrating our three year anniversary on the 28th of August. In my heart, I truly believe Mark's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The love he gives me is the most pure and true I've ever known. I love him with all my heart, mind, body, and soul.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

What's Happened in the Past Six Months

I was married for almost three years. The wife and I were having problems, and the problems just kept mounting and mounting. I started growing very tired of the way everything was going in my life as well as my marriage. My moods ranged from extremely happy to extremely depressed, and I turned to the internet. It struck me as very odd that people who didn't even know me seemed to care more about me and my feelings than the people that I knew did. That's when I met Mark. I was in a NC chat room, and Mark and I started talking through instant messaging. That was a little over a year ago.
We became friends right off the bat. It felt good to have someone that I could talk to about anything that was on my mind. Our friendship got stronger by the day, and I also noticed that I was starting to fall in love with Mark in the process.
About the last week in April of this year, I'd come down here to North Carolina for a visit...not really intending to stay, but things changed. I was happier that entire week than I'd been in the past two years. To beat it all, I was with Mark that entire week, and at that moment I knew that Mark was the only one who would make me truly happy.
Mark drove me back up to Ohio, but I didn't stay long. I wasn't even in the state for 24 hours, and Amy (the soon to be ex-wife) started in on me, and we had this huge fight. I told her that I was sick of everything and that I would be leaving. She didn't believe me then, but she did the next morning. I came back here to Norh Carolina with Mark, and have been happy ever since. I began looking for work the second day that I was down here, and had a job within a week.
For the first time in a long time, I'm very happy, and every one of my friends knows it. They all tell me that I sound happier, and that I look a lot better than I ever did when I was in Ohio.
Mark and I got to go up to Ohio the week of the 4th of July. We stayed at Mom and Dad's from July 1st until July 10th. The family took to Mark very well, and they had no problem accepted Mark and I and our relationship. On the Fourth we all went down to Columbus to watch the DooDah Parade with Aunt Liz. Well, at least that was our intention. Mark and I did one better though. Not only were we in the parade, we ended up leading the parade. I think Mark was more excited about being in the parade than he was about watching it from the side of the street. I know I was!
After the parade, we all went to Aunt Liz's house for supper and spirits. We ended up getting back to Mom and Dad's at about eight o'clock that night...after of course we showed Mark Delaware State Park. In addition to that, I fullfilled one of Mark's dreams by taking him to Michigan. He kept telling me that he always wanted to see that state, so I took him up there and we visited Cabella's in Dundee MI. We both had a very good time, and Mark saw more of Ohio than he ever had before. Dad also introduced Mark to niplets. We all had our fair share of them, and Mark had a lot of fun helping Dad make them, too.
Also, Mark discovered how the old wringer-washers work, and was very fascinated with their operation. He'd never seen one that actually worked before. He told us all that he'd only seen them before used in people's yards to plant flowers in!
Since we've come back from our Ohio trip, the company that we are working for (Broyhill Furniture) hired us onto the payroll. We were working there through a temporary employment agency, so it was very refreshing and assuring when we heard from our bossman that Broyhill was going to hire us to full time. Finally, we're off the temp agency's payroll!
So, Mark and I have been doing great, and I love it here! I love being with Mark, and I love North Carolina.


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