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Location: New Riegel, Ohio, United States

I've been living in NC now for two years. Mark and I are still extremely happy together, and we're still thinking of moving to the big O, but are still undecided. Mark and I will be celebrating our three year anniversary on the 28th of August. In my heart, I truly believe Mark's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The love he gives me is the most pure and true I've ever known. I love him with all my heart, mind, body, and soul.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Myself on Writing

Well it's another day. I failed to mention yesterday that I've been writing poetry and short stories for the past few years now. I have a rather large collection of poems that I keep in a notebook, and I noticed that readers can leave comments, so I thought that this would be a good way to try out some of my poetry. So feel free to leave me a comment on any of my poems (either positive or negative). A little criticism never hurt anybody right? So, without any further introduction this particular poem is one that I wrote for Mark. I wrote it before I'd come to North Carolina, and it's called "The Most Thoughtful Man I Know".

The Most Thoughtful Man I Know

The most thoughtful man I know
Is about 600 miles away from me
You know, it takes 9 hoursTo get to North Carolina
That's right, he lives in North Carolina
Sometimes I find it hard to believe
That one man so far away
Can care so much about me
In this day & age, you never know about people
But this guy is much different
This guy has a very big heart
And refuses to say anything bad about me
Much less hear the same
Even if I'm the one saying it
This man really cares about what I have to say
That's something I've heard many times
From many, many different people
But this time I believe itI have faith & trust in him
And that's something I don't have
In too many people
This man has shown me
That I'm not the bad person
Most people make me out to be
This man has shown me
That there's someone out there
Who really cares for me & means it
This is why that North Carolina man
Is the most thoughtful man I know

So there it is. I hope you all like it. I spent some time on it, and I honestly think it's one of my better ones. So, therefore, I will close here. Happy reading, and (one final time) I hope you enjoy it. More later.


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