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Location: New Riegel, Ohio, United States

I've been living in NC now for two years. Mark and I are still extremely happy together, and we're still thinking of moving to the big O, but are still undecided. Mark and I will be celebrating our three year anniversary on the 28th of August. In my heart, I truly believe Mark's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The love he gives me is the most pure and true I've ever known. I love him with all my heart, mind, body, and soul.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's Been a Very Long Time

Yes, it's been a very long time. I'm not sure exactly where to start. I was reading my last blog before I started on this new one, and the last one had left off on the fact that Mark and I would be moving to Ohio in a week. That was nearly two years ago, so I guess I'll just pick up from there.
Mark and I put basically what we knew we'd need in the car, and placed everything else in a storage unit in North Carolina before we'd made the move. We came up here basically on the last paycheck I'd recieved from my previous job, and I was grateful that work was relatively easy to find once we got to Ohio. I found a job in about two weeks after we'd made the move. Unfortunately, Mark hasn't had quite the easy time that I'd had, but that's okay.
Mark and I stayed in Berwick for a while before finding a house in Fostoria. It was a decent two story brown house. We stayed there for several months, but it was just too big for just the two of us, not to mention a bit expensive (nearly $400 a month!), so we found a smaller house that worked rather well for us, which was a little more affordable (about $300 a month). Thanks to my job at the time being terribly slow, we basically went broke, so we had to move back to Berwick, which is where we are today. I guess it's not too bad, although I'm not here all the time since I work six days a week (just to get 42.5 hours a week), but that's all right.
While we were in Fostoria, Mark and I adopted a stray cat that we'd found. She'd got out of the house one day and didn't come back for a day or two. When she came back, she was pregnant, which we discovered after we'd moved her out here to Berwick with us. About two weeks before Father's Day 2009, our cat (Cleo a.k.a. "Little One") gave birth to 4 beautiful kittens (one of which looks like a carbon copy of his mother). Unfortunately, on Father's Day, "Little One" was hit by a car and died, leaving behind her small litter of kittens.
Mark and I raised them from that point on, and we did a pretty good job. Two were given away, and Mark and I kept the one who looks just like his mother ("Little Man") and the only black and orange one (who's name is Abbie). They've grown into very healthy cats, I might add (even the vet said so himself!).
Just recently (like last month), the house went "high tech" with the final addition of a brand new computer and the internet. It was really no big deal for Mark and I as we've had internet before, but it gets kind of crazy at times because we're basically everyone else's instructors until they really get the hang of things. I'm not complaining though. I really don't mind it.
Oh, I almost forgot. Aran got his name changed legally at the beginning of this month. He also got his new license and social security card sometime last week or the week before (I think). Mark and I (as well as Mom & Dad) are showing our support for him, though sometimes I wonder if Mark and I are the only one's who are really trying. Well, let me rephrase that, I'm sure there are others in the household that are trying. Mark and I seem to be the only two who seem to get it right 100% of the time.
At any rate, it's been a short two years, in my opinion. I've been trying to stay busy. It's almost summertime, which means it's about time for me to start my ritual with mowing the lawn every other week. I can't wait for it to get warm and stay warm! I'm also grateful that the snow has finally melted! YAY! So anyway, that's all for now. Until next time....


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